While most organizations have a business continuity program, they’re unlikely to have planned for a global pandemic. The result is that IT is having to adapt to a changing situation quickly, yet not always efficiently, with the knock-on effect of overwhelming their IT infrastructure to allow remote access.

Is Home Your Company’s New Network Security Perimeter?

However, the research also shows that office workers may not be working from home as safely as they could be.

Post COVID-19 could see many businesses using home-based working as the norm for their companies. With millions of employees now working from home, enterprises have had to re-evaluate their network security protocols. With a threat perimeter now expanded and fragmented across what could be thousands of nodes, how has this impacted and changed the cyber-security threats businesses now face data breach or cyber-security incident due to remote working.

Network security evolves

Businesses have been evolving their responses to mounting cyber threats for several years. As the range of potential security breaches has diversified, so have the responses enterprises now take to minimize the impact these incidents have.

Good cyber-security cannot be materialized overnight. Creating a cyber-secure business requires good security practices to be employed from the outset, in addition to a commitment to maintaining sufficient updates for all devices owned and run by the organization. From anti-virus software and firewalls to dual authentication and VPN technologies, there are several solutions businesses can employ to maintain security within their organization. But these are essential requirements in today’s digital world.

On top of this, employers need to be moving ahead of the cyber-security basics, providing employees with solutions to secure their home networks, rather than just focusing on company-owned devices which will still be vulnerable if used on an unsecured network. AI-driven security solutions which reside on home routers can help monitor and mitigate threats, ensuring vulnerable and even breached devices are adequately isolated